Chris contacted me last week after he found his old cars in his parents attic. He was thrilled to find out the value and very pleased with my offer! If you have some Redline Hot Wheels don't hesitate to email call or text me!
Great Redline Collection from Chris in Washington!
It would be a lot easier and would save you and people looking to sell there collection. If you didn't just show what you bought from other people. And say they were more than happy with what you paid for them. One person might not know what they are worth and be happy with a very low price. Like people who inherit them. And they have no idea how hard it is to get a big collection that is in above average shape. I have a huge collection of red lines. Over forty of them are in mint condition. Like the day they were bought.and i have 30 or 40 more that are in great condition. And several that are…